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Farming in the North


Providing farmers and the agricultural industry the opportunity to host, visit, discuss & analyse on-farm research and demonstrations alongside local farming practices. 

Offering a valuable connection to key industry organisations and ultimate sustainability of farming businesses in the northern agricultural region of Western Australia.  More...

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eConnected Grainbelt

Exploring online decision making tools in conjunction with a local weather station, yield prophet & soil moisture probe. (User:EConnect11, Password: @YunaNorthEast)

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Automatic Rain Gauges

YFIG members are investigating the benefit growers can get from high res rain data with 50 self installed Davis tipping bucket rain gauges, using long life battery power & 3G telemetry. 


High Speed Internet

YFIG are currently supporting the  installation and uptake of a new fixed wireless technology to deliver faster speeds than what is traditionally available to remote areas. 

This project is delivered by Node1.

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